Say it ain't so

Almost a month after the release of the hotly anticipated and sorely disappointing 'Bad Vegan', there's another story in the works about Sarma Melngailis as the "Runaway Vegan".

If, like us, Netflix's documentary on the story of a vegan on the run caught by ordering a Domino's pizza and chicken wings left you deeply unsatisfied, you better be ready for more delicious veganism. There's a new documentary in production on the same tale of, as Netflix put it, fame, fraud, and fugitives.

Peacock is producing a documentary called "Pure" based on a breaking article from back in 2016. And hey, we're all for giving second chances, especially when those second chances are only an hour long.

Writer Heather Reigner will chronicle the tale as illustrated in Allen Salkin's article, which is a much juicer and more sensational way to enjoy the story if you're not familiar with it yet. Though the Netflix documentary included Salkin for commentary but did not base the story on his article, so it will be interesting to compare and contrast the two productions.

This isn't the first time Netflix and Peacock have shared a mad real-life tale in the name of story making — the topic? Joe Exotic. Netflix created 'Tiger King' and Peacock created 'Joe vs. Carole'. We guess the ball is in Heather Reigner's court now.

Stream Netflix docuseries 'Bad Vegan' to catch up on the story.