We're disappointed to say that there's a significant lack of 'me nan' in Christopher Maloney's debut music video which landed earlier today.
Chris cracks out the emotional facial expressions (move over Miley, you ain't got nothing on this Wrecking Ball) and does a fair bit of serious bopping as he belts out ''My Heart Belongs To You', which is due for release on October 27th. We're guessing he was making the most of the small budget, having apparently turned down big offers so he could do his own thing.
"I wanted full control over what I was doing and full creativity and I wanted a label that will look after me," he said earlier this year when revealing he'd signed a record deal. "I didn't want to go somewhere with big artists where I would be put on the sideline."
We're still waiting for Songs for Me Nan, Chris. You'd want to hurry up, Christmas is only a few shopping weeks away lad.