There was a time before Donald Trump when if someone announced that they were going to run for US President, you'd take them with a pinch of salt.

Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan, for example, both talked about it - albeit in the middle of a wrestling match, but still. It's 2017 and now we're looking to The Rock to steer the world out of the tailspin it's currently headed and Stephen Colbert is announcing his own campaign on Russian television because he wants to "cut out the middleman."

Colbert is currently in Russia taping a remote segment and turned up on the late-night talk show equivalent, Evening Urgant with Ivan Urgant. To say it gets weird is, well, an understatement. As you'll see in the video below that's taken straight from Russian TV, he gets his glasses taken off and broken in half (no idea why, but if you can speak Russian and translate, let us know) and then he's forced to do vodka shots.

It's... weird. Take a look.

Via Vulture / Channel One Russia