Last night saw some of the most confusing moments on Norton's couch, thanks in large part to Scottish comedian Kevin Bridges.

Joining him was Chris Hemsworth, Ron Howard and Lily Tomlin who were all basically dumbstruck by Bridges' heavy Clydebank accent. So much so, in fact, that Hemsworth was the only one on the couch who partially understood him.

Naturally, Hemsworth had to act as a translator for the duration of the show. Take a look.

In fairness, the way he says muhdurr just makes us think of Taggart.

Fair play to Chris Hemsworth for giving it a shot at the whole translation thing; we haven't seen or heard his accent on Snow White And The Huntsman thing, but we're guessing it's pretty bad.

Still though, he's so stupidly handsome that it's actually difficult to look at him.

Via YouTube