We imagine it must have been rather difficult for Vince Gilligan to decide how to end his smash hit TV series and indeed, the Breaking Bad creator has revealed that he had some alternative plans for that Felina finale.

If you haven't watched the episode yet or just don't want to know what Vince was thinking, we suggest you look away now, because some might consider the below to be a bit of a spoiler.

Still with us? Good.

Vince was taking part in the final Breaking Bad Insider podcast when he told listeners that he'd actually considered killing off a different character at the show's climax: One Skyler White to be precise.

"I was leaning toward that and the other writers were like... that's a bridge too far," Gilligan explained. "[They said,] 'Let's not do that' - and they were right. I think that would have been very unnecessary. We talked about a possible version where Skyler and Walt [Bryan Cranston] are tied up at a Motel 6 kind of place and he's talking to her [from outside] a bathroom. He finally forces the door open and she's in a bloody tub or something like that."

Judging from the reaction to Felina online, we're guessing the gang were right to tell Vince to stray away from that alternative ending. It's not every day you see a TV series being dubbed the best show of all time by viewers on IMDB after all.

Did Vince and the gang make the right choice? Were you happy with Heisenburg's last huzzah? Or would you prefer to have seen Skyler saying sayonara?

Let us know below.