TV3's loss is Channel 5's gain it would seem. Again. Frow moved from his Channel 5 post as controller of features to TV3 back in 2007, and now he's returning to the station after announcing he was leaving TV3 back in October.
Of this time at TV3, he said: "The last five years have been exciting, demanding, challenging and, often frustrating. But they have also been some of the most rewarding and enjoyable of my career." He then added: "There’s a real pulling in of the reins, watching every single penny. Much harder to take risks, much harder to try new things. You become much more reliant on the old dependables. For me it’s much tougher than 2008, definitely the worst year of the recession."
The Guardian today reports that Frow "will take over the programming and commissioning responsibilities previously handled by (Jeff) Ford, who resigned from the Richard Desmond-owned broadcaster in October. Last week Paul Dunthorne, the long-serving managing director of Desmond's Portland TV, took over day-to-day management of Channel 5 as chief operating officer. Frow, currently the director of programming at Irish commercial broadcaster TV3, will start at Channel 5 in February and report to Dunthorne.'[Frow] has a proven track record in the TV industry and we're very excited to hire someone of his calibre, who knows the channel from the inside, to take on this key role,' said Paul Ashford, group editorial director at Channel 5 parent company Northern & Shell. 'I know he'll continue to build on our success and bring in fresh approaches and ideas'."
Best of luck, Mr. Frow.