We all love a good binge-watch but just how much time are we spending watching our favourite TV shows? Or do we even want to know?
There's a new AT&T Internet Data Calculator that tells you exactly how long it takes to watch every episode of a TV show, and well, you may not like what you see.
For example, it would take you three straight days (if you managed not to take a break like some kind of mad yoke) to watch all seven seasons of Game of Thrones, 9.1 working days if you spent 8 hours a day watching it, and 36.4 nights if you watched it for just two hours an evening.
Greys Anatomy, however, would take a hell of a lot longer, and more than one box of tissues at that. It would take up to 204 hours or 25.5 eight-hour workdays to watch every episode to date.
Fans of The Simpsons, you could watch all 618 episodes in 229 hours (or 9.5 straight days).
Calculate how long it takes to watch your favourite shows here.
To be honest, we regret nothing.