If you're disappointed by the final episode of 'Game of Thrones', this (kinda) makes up for it

It was always going to happen.

If you've watched the final 'Game of Thrones' episode, you'll have noticed Brienne completing Jaime Lannister's entry in The White Book/The Book of Brothers, which is a record of all the men who served in the Kingsguard.

As the new Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, it was her duty to keep the document updated, as she writes a rather touching (but arguably, not quite accurate) conclusion to Jaime's story, recording that he 'died protecting his queen'.

Now, however, because the Internet is the Internet, the scene has been turned into a meme and there are some pretty great takes on Brienne's penmanship. Not least the 'Mean Girls', 'Jersey Shore' and 'Sex and the City' references: