T'is the season for soapy drama so it's no surprise to hear that speculation about this year's big Christmas soap storylines is already running rife.

There have been quite a few theories about what might happen up north in Weatherfield of late, but now Coronation Street boss Tony Blackburn has put most of them to bed by revealing a few sneaky facts about his festive offering to the gang over at Digital Spy.

Spoiler Alert: If you'd rather not know what happens in Coronation Street at Christmas then we suggest you look away now. Oh, and avoid the tabloids and pretty much every Christmas TV guide you'll see on the shelves in the next few weeks while you're at it.

Still with us? Good.

Anyway, Blackburn's had a pretty good year at the helm of the UK's number 1 soap opera and revealed that he expects that winning streak to continue with a right cracker of a Christmas Day offering.

"It's the funniest and one of the most dramatic episodes. I think we've got the mix right" he told Digital Spy. "There's been rumours about us killing Hayley on Christmas Day - but that's rubbish! Roy and Hayley are going to have the best Christmas Day ever, but obviously it's also extremely sad because we know it's their last one as a couple."

The executive producer went on to reveal that the Croppers won't be the only ones taking centre stage, hinting that we can expect laughter and drama from both sides of the street. "Steve, Michelle and Lloyd in the pub is going to be a joy, and then we've got big drama for the Platts and the Prices on Christmas Day as they try to rebuild their families - but it's not going to quite work out as they'd planned", he teased.

Well, will you be watching?