Hard, hard relate.

Before you hit play on the video below with Dan Levy, there needs to be a little bit of acclimatisation.

Zillow, for anyone who doesn't know, is basically like Daft or Myhome.ie in the US. In other words, a property website filled with houses that people in their mid-to-late thirties spend all their time on, scrolling up and down the website and fantasising about buying a house.

Again, it's worth pointing out that if you're either past the age of, say, 40 or if you're under the age of 25, none of this will relate to you. But if you're in and around 35 and working in an industry that's got an underwhelming salary and you're trying to buy a house in Dublin or anywhere for that matter in this climate? Oh yeah. This is for you.

This is so relatable that it quite literally wants to make you laugh and cry at the same time. Dan Levy of 'Schitt's Creek' being involved is, of course, a bonus and everything, but yeah, this is just too relatable for us not to mention it.

Take a look.