'Fleabag' put hot priests back on the map

'Fleabag' is all but finished up after two incredible seasons - but creator Phoebe Waller-Bridge is still here talking about how she brought hot priests (back?) onto our TV screens.

Phoebe Waller-Bridge and her 'Fleabag' hot priest topic was discussed in a recent video link interview, where the Andrew Scott complex was blown wide open. The pair also spoke of everything from drinking vodka gimlets, to Stephen not having watched her critically-acclaimed TV series before meeting her, to Phoebe having fruit-based codewords with her sister who she's currently living with.

Phoebe Waller-Bridge also spoke about the idea of bringing her 'Fleabag' theatrical show onto on demand, with proceeds being donated towards those working on the frontlines at this strange time in the world. Stephen also asked Phoebe what the meaning behind that pesky fox is that popped up in season two - and left the actress speechless.

Here's the full interview Phoebe Waller-Bridge underwent with 'Late Show' host Stephen Colbert.

If you're in the mood for some more 'Fleabag' hot priest in your life, but with only a one-woman show at your disposal, then head over to the Soho Theatre On Demand website (here) to donate £4 and watch the live filming of the play. It'll certainly fill your 'Fleabag'-shaped hole, and you'll be donating money to a worthy cause at the same time.