"An absolute failure"

It seems that the honchos at 'Star Wars' are now keeping their bets on 'The Mandalorian.'

'The Mandalorian' has yet to hit Irish screens until March when Disney+ arrives here. But it's already gathered quite a popular following.

The efforts of the 'Star Wars' machine will be put into projects like it as opposed to its traditional movie series as the nine-part 'Skywalker saga' concludes with 'Rise of Skywalker', in cinemas now.

But the film has been getting mixed reviews (we loved it, anyway) since it hit the big screen last weekend. And at the box office, its figures weren't as impressive as hoped for.

Jake Cannavale, who plays Toro Calin in 'The Mandalorian', would be among those who are panning 'Episode IX'.

Reviewing the sci fi epic on his Instagram stories, he said: "'Rise of Skywalker' was hands down the worst Star Wars movie.

"An absolute f***ing failure. Went to see it last night and I woke up still mad.

"Like... it rendered the entire new trilogy completely useless."

"There were more plot holes than there was plot," he added. "The amount of 'by the ways' was absolutely infuriating. Rise of Skywalker (btw dumbass title) was worse than Phantom Menace AND Last Jedi combined. Fight me."

Cannavale concluded by saying he'd feel "personally pretty depressed" if he was in the new film: "If I was a dude wearing an alien puppet or whatever I'd be f***ing stoked. But still."

If you saw 'The Rise of Skywalker' this weekend, let us know what you thought in the comments.