New 'Love Island' bombshells made a shock arrival last night

It wouldn't be 'Love Island' without a few twists and the arrival of the latest bombshells is certain to shake things up a bit.

Series nine of 'Love Island' has been rolling along for almost two weeks now and while the triangles, squares and other relationship shapes form up and the drama builds, it wouldn't be 'Love Island' without a surprise or two.

Last night the Islanders in South Africa got a double shock as not only were they treated to a surprise recoupling, before the recoupling could start two new bombshells were thrown into the mix. And not only that, said bombshells get their pick of the litter first, meaning that all hell could break loose.

So, fancy getting to know those two bombshells a bit better?


Ellie Spence

Ellie Spence is a 25-year-old business development executive at a law firm from Norwich.

Why 'Love Island' and why now? 

I’ve been single for three years and the roster is pretty dry, it’s been dry for the last year, I don’t know what happened, it’s just not been a great time for me so I’m ready to find my husband. 

What do you think you’ll bring to the Villa? 

I’ll bring drama, fun and a bit of unpredictability. 

What’s your ‘elevator pitch’ for why someone should want to date you? I’m fun, caring, smart and know how to have a good time. I feel like I’m the whole package; I’m flirty, forward and very confident. 

Why would you say you’re single? 

I’m single because I fall in love really quick, but I fall out of it just as quickly. I could literally fall in love with a chair and then a week later be like, ‘Oh wait, no, that's a chair…’ I fall in love quickly because I build up a character of someone in my head and then they breathe in the wrong direction and I’m like, ‘Next!’ 

How would friends/family describe you? 

Super caring and kind but also a little bit of a liability, but in a fun way. You know when you have the mums of the group when you go out? I’m the one swinging on the chandelier refusing to go home. I’m definitely a good-time girl. 

Best/worst date story? 

I have about 500 bad ones… one I turned up and during the date he screamed at the waiter so hard that they asked us to leave. Then we had to go downstairs and sit in a diner, it was awful, I haven’t gone on a date since. 

What gives you the ‘ick’? 

Overconfident guys and men that think they can get any girl when they think they are so fit and a 10/10 when in actual fact they are none of the above. I like confidence but not arrogance. 

Do you fall in love quickly? 

I fall in love quickly, I can fall in love at the drop of a hat but I can fall out of it just as quickly.

Tell us something not many people know about you? 

When I was drunk I climbed over the gates of my friend's house, fell and almost lost my leg. I was in hospital for two weeks but they stitched me back up. It left me with a big scar on my leg but I’m so blasé about it, if I’m in a bikini you can’t not see it. 

Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? 

Margot Robbie, I just love her, she’s fab. 

Music is a big part of 'Love Island' - what album do you have on repeat/ why? Rihanna's 'Anti' is my favourite of all time, I could listen to it back to front, all day every day. You can listen to it if you’re going through a break up, if you’re getting ready to go on a night out, there’s a song for everything. 

Who is your celebrity crush? 

Travis Fimmel from 'The Vikings', he’s the fittest person I’ve ever seen in my whole life. I love his beard. I also like Matthew McConaughey and Bradley Cooper. 

Who are your dream dinner party guests? 

Rihanna, Travis Fimmel and Ricky Gervais. 

If money was no object, what would be your ideal first date? 

Paris is so romantic and I’ve never been. We could go for a cute little rooftop dinner, then ride around on some scooters like the ones from 'Lizzie McGuire' then just go to every single bar and stay in a penthouse.


Spencer Wilks

Spencer Wilks is a 24-year-old e-commerce business owner from Bournemouth

Why 'Love Island' and why now? 

It’s a great experience and I’ll be out of my comfort zone, maybe I’ll find someone that I could be with forever and to share that experience with someone I think is quite unique. This is the only time I’ve been single, so it’s now or never really. 

What do you think you’ll bring to the Villa? 

I’m very loving, so I’ll cuddle everyone. I like doing stuff for other people. I’m excited all the time really. I do say the wrong things as I have no filter. If I think it, I’ll say it straight away. Sometimes it’s great, sometimes it’s not. Sometimes it stirs things up a bit which I find funny. 

What’s your ‘elevator pitch’ for why someone should want to date you? 

I’m fun, I’m cool, I’m just all round husband material. If you want a husband, I’m your guy. I want to go travelling, I want to see the world. I’m loyal, I’m loving, I’ll make you tea in the morning. I can’t cook very well, that’s unfortunate. I’m honest. 

Why would you say you’re single? 

Nothing in particular, I just haven’t found the one yet. I’m quite picky and very particular with the person I want to be with in a relationship, so I’m still just waiting. 

How would friends/family describe you? 

Loud, outgoing, chatty, people I don’t know I’ll chat to. Energetic and enthusiastic.

Best/worst date story? 

I’ve never really dated. I’ve only gone on a few dates with a few girls since I’ve been single. I flew out to France to see an ex once when she was on holiday with her family. So that was quite romantic. 

What gives you the ‘ick’? 

I don’t like the word ‘ick’. I don’t like picking one thing that would put me off someone. But I would say, being fake, I really don’t like that and it gets under my skin. When a girl’s bitchy, that for me is just not a vibe. 

Do you fall in love quickly? 

Definitely. I get head over heels pretty quick if I find someone I think, ‘Wow, you’re ticking my boxes.’ I can definitely fall pretty quick.

Do you have any claims to fame? 

My cousin won the ultimate fighter, the UFC, back in the day. He did a documentary, ''The Game Changers', on Netflix. 

Tell us something not many people know about you? 

I’m a full ‘Belieber’ - I love Justin Bieber. 

Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? 

Leonardo DiCaprio. If he was playing me I’d be pretty happy. 

Who are your dream dinner party guests? 

Brian Cox the scientist, he’s super smart and I’d love to learn from him. Leonardo DiCaprio, I suppose if he’s going to play me in a film, and Kevin Hart as he seems funny.


'Love Island' continues tonight at 9pm on Virgin Media Two and Virgin Media Player