"That was a surprise."

It's a 'Game of Thrones' world and we're all just living in it, right? Or at least, that's what it used to feel like (impact of future 'House of the Dragon' series is still TBC).

Maisie Williams, who played fan-favourite Arya Stark in all eight seasons of 'Game of Thrones', has opened up about a surprising aspect of the character that caught her off-guard.

The hit HBO show, which will go down in history as the biggest let-down ending to a fantasy TV series (or a TV series ever? It's debatable), saw the mercenary Stark family member take down the Night King in an epic heart-stopping moment during the final season (she also had a close relationship with Jaqen H'ghar and the Faceless Man, resulting in some pretty incredible payback).

Anyway, the actor who played her always presumed that Arya Stark was a queer icon - that is until she got down and dirty with Gendry (played by Joe Dempsie) during the final season.

Speaking with Teen Vogue this week, the 25-year-old said: "The first time that I was surprised by Arya I guess was probably in the final series where she whips off her clothes and sleeps with Gendry.

"I thought that Arya was queer, you know? So…yeah. That was a surprise."

Truly, we were all there with you, Maisie. There were a number of eyebrow-raising moments during season eight of 'Game of Thrones', and this unexpected relationship between the two ferocious weapons' wielders did cause quite a stir among fans (but the concluding parts of season eight quickly distracted us by being even more surprising).

But, Arya Stark could still be a queer icon, right? Sleeping with a man doesn't define her sexuality, as pointed out in various memes following the surprising on-screen moment.

Watch the full Maisie Williams interview below, where she shares some of her "firsts", including tattoos and the first thing she did after 'GOT' wrapped.

Catch Maisie Williams in Disney+'s 'Pistol' limited series, based on the formative years of The Sex Pistols.