And sang it in full this time

Last week's viral sensation has had her life turned upside-down, as she's only after appearing on 'The Ellen Show'.

Charlotte Awbery was walking to catch The Tube in London last week when she was asked to continue the lyrics of Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper's 'Shallow'. Literally being shoved a microphone in her face didn't deter the commuter, and Charlotte blew everyone away with her incredible rendition of the ballad.

The original video has nearly one million views on Instagram, but through being shared by various websites, the figure is somewhere around 60 million. And as it turns out, Ellen DeGeneres was one of them.

Ellen managed to fly Charlotte over to her studio in Hollywood, and got her to perform a full rendition of 'Shallow' to her audience. Charlotte then joined the host for a quick chat, where she talked about her incredible journey to where she is sat right now.

She tells Ellen: "I'm so sorry, I'm so blown away that I'm actually sitting next to you. Honestly, I'm absolutely overwhelmed by all of this. Thank you so much for having me!"

The viral sensation also spoke about her career, saying how she follows Ariana Grande (after she began following her first), and how she has been singing at weddings and bars for the past 15 years.

Here's the full interview and 'Shallow' performance for you.