We don't know about you, but we need a bowl of Coco Pops and a hug after last night's Love / Hate.

It's fair to say that it all went down (literally, in one case) on the show and we're heading for a bloody climax. With Pauley out of the way, Patrick on the warpath, Tommy awake from his coma and Nidge living on borrowed time, there's really no way this season is going to end on a cheery moment.

The final episode airs November 9th, but before then, we still have some way to go yet.

Meanwhile, you lot over on Twitter were following along. Let's just say, it got emotional.

He's not wrong, y'know...

We were all fans of Patrick last night, and it's easy to see why. If John O'Connors doesn't get an IFTA, there's no justice in the world.

Needles to say, certain sections of the viewing public were distraught about Pauley's sudden departure. Although, in fairness, he didn't bring back a pressie. That's justifiable homicide in Siobhan's eyes.

Expect someone to have a Jesus Raves-themed watching party before the end of the year. Also, we totally saw one of the guys at the party on Henry St. the other day.