Remember Cersei's daughter Myrcella Baratheon? Last time we saw her she was being shipped off to Dorne by her uncle Tyrion, much to the heartache of her mother, but sure she inflicts enough of it on others.
As you may have gathered from the recent cast announcement for Game of Thrones, the show is set to spend quite a bit of time in this foreign land of Dorne is the coming season, so we will get a chance to see how this mini Baratheon is doing. However, she won't be quite as we remembered, as the show have announced they are recasting the actress and Nell Tiger Free (yep, that's her name) will be replacing Aimee Richardson as the young princess.
Nell Tiger Free
Obviously not good news for Aimee but she managed to react in a totally brilliant way by taking to her social media and posting the following vine...
Fair play Amy, now how do we get this little legend back on the show? At the very least a SNL sketch...