"It's not a comfortable situation, full stop"

Emma Thompson has refuted 'Game Of Thrones' actor Sean Bean's recent statement that intimacy coordinators, of whom we've been hearing a lot about in Hollywood lately, spoil the "spontaneity" onset. Instead, Thompson believes that they are pretty crucial to feeling at ease in the setting.

The purpose of intimacy coordinators has been boasted by the members of Hollywood far and wide lately — Joe Alwin talked about the benefits of the role onset for 'Conversations with Friends' and they've been used efficiently on the sets of 'Sex Education' and 'Euphoria'.

However, Sean Bean who played the rough and ready Ned Stark in the first season of 'Game of Thrones' claims that the intimacy coordinators sort of wreck the fluidity of a scene in a recent interview with The Sunday Times.

Expressing how the nature of the role kills the "spontaneity", Bean explains "It would inhibit me more because it's drawing attention to things".

Elaborating, he says "Somebody saying, 'Do this, put your hands there while you touch his thing" and he likens it to how real lovers would feel if the process was interrupted by another party to provide notes.

But Emma Thompson really disagrees. After appearing on an Australian radio show called Fitzy & Wippa, Thompson's stance on the importance of the role became abundantly clear.

She says "So intimacy coordinators are the most fantastic introduction in our work. And no, you can't just 'let it flow'. There's a camera there and a crew, it's not on your own in a hotel room. You're surrounded by a bunch of blokes carrying things. So, it's not a comfortable situation, full stop".

What's your stance on the conversation?