You'll probably know her best (if you know her at all that is) as 'Dr Botox' or the serial Dublin Housewives (later known as just Dublin Wives) pot stirrer, but despite changing her surname from Meagher to Marr (which we assume was for the sake of the UK audience), Irish contestant Danielle was the firstĀ  to be evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother House last night.

She'd been up against former football pundit Ron Atkinson and actress Vicky Entwistle (Janice Battersby off Coronation Street to you and I) and ultimately lost the public vote after spending a few days winding her fellow housemates up. They weren't the ones to nominate her though - you can thank the show's 'Cult of Celebrity' members for that one.

Louie Spence, Lauren Harries and Sophie Anderton (yeah, we know) were moved to their own special secret area in the house, and handed the task of deciding who should go. Serial Reality TV star and former model Sophie said Danielle had no real reason to be in the house as her career was solid. She had no need to boost her profile, Sophie said. Pot, kettle, etc *rollseyes*

Danielle wasn't at all bothered about being booted out though, and went on to tell host Emma Willis that although she'd had an "amazing" experience she was actually glad to be out of there. "It is fine now I'm out actually and even in the last hour I was just thinking of my little boy", she said.

We don't usually go mad for the whole Big Brother thing, but now that Dustin Diamond, aka Screech from Saved By The Bell, is in there we're sadly a little bit intrigued. It just screams car crash telly. Loveable and all as it was, so did Dublin Wives in fairness, and when the whole gang went on Midweek we had quite the laugh.

Catch Celebrity Big Brother on Channel 5 at 9pm.