Anyone for a clementine?

if you didn't have 'Eurovision' fever last night, then episode five of the comedy series was a must-see. Viewers, however, are already looking ahead to the imminent season finale next week.

The 'Derry Girls' throwback episode proved to be probably the biggest hit of the entire third season, focussing on Ma Mary and Aunt Sarah's Class of 1977 school reunion.

The episode saw the two sisters re-live their mortifying high school Leavers' Night all over again as the former '70s crew banded together for their dislike for a former friend from school, Janette (who's married to a surgeon, don't you know). It was also revealed that she's the mother of - gasp - Jenny Joyce.

The fifth episode of season three served up such a hit that viewers are calling for a prequel series to be greenlit. Will this be the last we see of Wee Janette, Wee Cousin Rob (who's Canadian, not American), Wee Deirdre, Wee Aunt Sarah, Wee Ma Mary, Wee Geraldine? Let's wait and see if Lisa McGee is game.

The other realisation that viewers had was that the season will draw to a close very soon, with the season finale airing on Channel 4 next week.

However, there is a silver lining in all of this 'Derry Girls' ending saga - next week we'll be getting two episodes in one week. As well as the usual Tuesday night affair (which will be a Halloween episode), on Wednesday night we'll then be treated to an hour-long episode which jumps ahead one year as we catch up with the girlies to see how Derry is treating them after they've graduated from school.

Here's how Twitter reacted to the 'Derry Girls' throwback episode.

First up, yes that really was creator Lisa McGee's real-life husband, screenwriter Tobias Beer.

Did someone say prequel series?

Every mother in Ireland.

Girls, Derry Girls.

For those who were simultaneously watching the 'Eurovision Song Contest' and 'Derry Girls' in the one sitting.

All the feels were felt.

Don't remind us.

'Derry Girls' continues next week on Tuesday and Wednesday night on Channel 4. Watch the series on catch-up via All 4.