Do the words Brockway, Ogdenville and North Haverbrook ring a bell to you?

Most of us would know Conan O'Brien as the US late night TV host with the Irish blood and the funny hairstyle. So successful has his latter career been in fact, that a lot of people don't know/have forgotten that Conan cut his teeth by being one of the most successful TV writers of his era, first on Saturday Night Live and then on The Simpsons.

During his time in the Simpsons writing room, Conan churned out some of show's most iconic episodes. Homer Goes To College and New Kid On The Block are two of his best but most Springfield aficionados would agree that Conan's best work during his time with The Simpsons is the episode Marge Vs The Monorail.

Written in 1993, Marge Vs The Monorail's plot centres around Springfield being given a windfall of $3 million after Mr Burns is fined for dumping illegal waste into a local river and the town-folk's attempts at figuring out what to do with it. Ever the pragmatist, Marge suggests that they renovate main street with the cash but she is quickly shouted down when a conman named Lyle Lanley (the late, great Phil Hartman) persuades them to invest in a monorail system.

You all know how it goes down from there. Fast forward twenty-odd years to next September's live Simpsons show in the Hollywood Bowl where various voice actors from the show have been invited to relive some of the most famous Simpsons moments ever.

That's where Conan comes in. O'Brien has agreed to sing the famous 'Monorail' song in the company of the Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles where Conan will take the part of Lanley and we would give all of our limbs to be there.

The live show will take place from 12th to 14th September.