The potential new reality caused quite a stir online

'Claire Byrne Live' was trending on Twitter last night, as the presenter took a look at what "normal" life will be like for Ireland over the coming months.

Hairdressers, dentists, and publicans were put under the microscope on 'Claire Byrne Live' last night, with that killer phrase "the new normal" reading its ugly head more than once on the show. From what we can gather, this is what the 'Claire Byrne Live' team reckon this is what the near future will be looking like, and Claire Byrne's pub scene in particular may have woken viewers up to the reality we could be facing. It's a challenging time for both pub owners and those wanting to be sociable in a bar once again.

Taking herself off to visit the set of 'Fair City', Claire took a trip into McCoy's pub in Carrickstown to see how heading into your local pub will change in the future. And yes, it's quite the drastic difference from three months ago.

In quite a fascinating walkthrough, Claire enters McCoy's and is greeted with hazard tape around the bar, table service, and an eerie, empty scene as up to three bar members will be able to work in close proximity with each other. Joining Claire in the pub scene was 'Liveline' presenter Joe Duffy, publican Billy Keane, and Nuala Carey who were on hand to experience the potential future for the country, sitting at least two metres away from each other.

Here's the best reactions to what viewers saw unfold.

There was also a lot of love shared for the poor mannequin who has seen better days.