30 Rock may be off our screens now, but that doesn't mean its whip-smart dialogue can't be employed to devastating effect on a daily basis.

No joke, we use most of these in our daily vocabulary and you should be to. Now, shoulders back. You're not welcoming people to Castle Frankenstein.

"WHATEVER, I'M OVER IT! --What? --IT!"

To get the full use out of this one, you need panda eyes and various implements you can throw at the intended target.

"Superman does good. You're doing well."

Study your grammar, son.

"The sun is up! God can see us now!"

Kenneth, a word? --Balloon!

Jack Donaghy's Fake Phone

Hello? Gotta take this.

"Empathy is as useless as the Winter Olympics."

 Damn, Jack. You cold.


Rude? Rude.

"We may not be the best people, but we're not the worst. Graduate students are the worst."

Replace graduate students with philosophy / engineering / journalism / all students and you're set.

"Shut it down."

He's not Tom Brady. Shut it down. Dealbreaker.