We all know that Twin Peaks was one of the weirdest shows to ever hit our television screens, but it was also one of the best.

From the strange mind of David Lynch, when it wasn’t about owls scaring the bejaysus out of us, Twin Peaks had some hilarious moments, some downright freaky moments, and everything in between that was truly bizarre, producing some iconic scenes that have lived long in the memory.

Thanks to the magic of technology, we can now enjoy some of those scenes on a loop in GIF form that will get you out of any situation, and will come in particularly handy when the future generations decide to shed themselves of the inconvenience that is spoken language and begin to communicate in a purely visual computer-based format. You’ll be thanking us for this then.

Expressing strong disapproval/disagreement

I'm confused

I find that funny

I’m impressed

It will all be OK once I get some coffee

You are correct, sir/madam

Time to get my grove on


I’m considering my response

Too damn high hot

I agree

The thumbs up

No list of Twin Peaks GIFs would be complete without the thumbs up, perhaps Agent Dale Cooper's favourite gesture in all the world. If really stuck, this one can probably get you out of almost any situation.