Some great recommendations here for preventing the spread of coronavirus

The coronavirus epidemic has provoked health services to give recommendations as to how people can prevent the spread of infection. The key piece of advice has been to wash your hands regularly and thoroughly.

Official services like the NHS London, UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital SF and health secretary Matt Hancock are suggesting you wash your hands to the tune of 'Happy Birthday'.

To ensure your hands are thoroughly clean, you need to sing the song twice so that you're washing for at least 20 seconds. And you need to use hot water and soap.

Apparently 'God save the Queen' is another option but something tells me not many people in Ireland will be taking that up...


Other suggestions are coming in too, for example, many suggest singing your ABCs.


But there are plenty of really fun songs to fill up those 20 seconds too - seriously, you can have a pretty sweet mini karaoke with yourself at the sink with these bad boys.


Other officials have suggested to wash your hands while singing the first verse of the English national anthem.

We reckon you'd need two verses of the Irish national anthem; but heck, why not be really thorough and sing all of 'Sinne Fianna Fáil'? Your country will thank you.