Well, there are worse hobbies you could have. We can't think of them right now, but we're sure they exist.

And it's not like Sarah Levy, the artist behind this portrait of Donald Trump painted with menstrual blood titled 'Whatever', is doing it purely out of self-interest. Levy's portrait was inspired by Trump's two most idiotic and bewildering blunders during his campaign; his calling Mexican immigrants in the US "rapists" and "murderers" and his suggestion that Fox News' Megyn Kelly was tough on him because "blood was coming out of her wherever".

And so she painted 'Whatever', the proceeds of which she'll donate to an immigrants' rights organisation.

She told Buzzfeed: "That he thinks he can bring up the healthy functioning of women’s reproductive systems to insult women’s intelligence is a big problem that I think needs to be called out."

We just hope that whoever buys it someone manages to sneak it into one of Trump's gaffs without him knowing, although his ego is so big he'd probably love it.

Via Facebook/Buzzfeed