Ah sure tis Friday again. Whooopaaah! (Yes, we're going to try and make that very Chandler-esque phrase cool again.) Anyhoo, this week we at entertainment.ie are liking and loathing the following:


Finally understanding what #YOLO means. It means 'you only live once' for those of you who also didn't get it.

Pay Day Whoooooot!

Emma Stone in Spider-Man. Hot, but in an almost obtainable way (not really).

How empty the gym is with the hot weather.

Twitter exploding at the mere thought of Johnny Depp being in Dublin.

Spain V Italy this Sunday! #euro2012


STILL Being burned to a crisp after Body and Soul last weekend.

Ulster Bank preventing us from accessing aforementioned pay day money.

Having to peel our legs off of each other when we wake up. #Humidity.

This celebrity saloon shit or whatever it's called. We have enough famous idiots already.

The thoughts of getting pish'd on at Sea Sessions in Bundoran this weekend. Feck off rain.

That the FAI will spin it that we didn't get out of the group with the two finalists, despite the tournament being pretty-much over for us before we played either of them!

Anything to add? Let us know!