Yes, it's nearly time for a new Assassin's Creed, and we're just as excited as you.

Syndicate, the latest release in the series, is set in 1868 London, at the back endĀ of the Industrial Revolution. The Assassin Brotherhood is all but wiped out, but when twins Jacob and Evie Frye move to London, they set out to right that wrong. With the city controlled by the Templars, and both the Church and the Monarchy losing their power, the pair begin to use the skills they were taught as kids to rid the city of the Templars.

Basically you've got the same storyline as always. Templars being bad guys, good guys need to stop that. It's simple, but effective. The thing we really care about is the new time period each individual game is set, what historical cameos are we going to see(Charles Darwin pops up in this), and whether or not we like the characters.

So far, we've only had a soft spot for Ezio, but that won't stop us from getting our hopes up again, and with a trailer like this, who wouldn't be excited?