It's often been said that Black Friday and all of the 'discounts' and 'deals' that go with it bring out the worst in people. 

Being on this side of the Atlantic where the Black Friday tradition is still a relatively new concept, we've yet to experience to anarchic nature of it first hand and fingers crossed we never will. Some of the horror stories that retail workers in the US have shared about their own experiences on Black Friday would send a chill down your spine. 

Now footage of the Black Friday aftermath from a Nike store in Seattle has emerged and it really is shocking. 

An unnamed employee told Buzzfeed that an estimated 20,000 people passed through the store and caused the resulting carnage.

Larry Downer, who recorded the above video said that it felt that it was like coming across the aftermath of an earthquake.

"We start walking through from aisle to aisle, and you’re walking over orange boxes everywhere. People were just kicking stuff out of the way.”