Meet Nicole Arbour, the internet's public enemy number one for this week.

Arbour, a 30-year-old comedian, trust us when we say it's tough for us to call her that, has a vlog channel on YouTube. OK, so if that hasn't turned you off her already, it did for us, this week she tried to push the boundaries of  what she claims is comedy a little by attempting to fat-shame obese members of the public.

Not only was she not funny( she really, really wasn't) and shaming people, which is bad enough, but she's done it not to help people try to lose weight and live healthier, longer lives, like she claims in the video. Instead, it's just an attempt to create some controversy and gain gain some publicity, some views, and up her profile.

She's even tried to pass the thing off as comedy, which is incredibly insensitive to fans and practitioners of the art form.

It's true, YouTube have taken it down, thankfully, but that doesn't mean it's off the internet, so here it is. A video of everything that's wrong with the internet.

Unfortunately the video has led to Arbour being a hate figure online. Those offended by the video have taken part in shaming her via Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and just about any online platform you can think of, basically making them as bad as her, thus creating a big old pile of shame that doesn't look like it'll stop until...well, next week when someone else does something people don't like.

Ultimately she has a right to say whatever she wants, and she can play the 'if you don't like it, don't watch it' card. We'd recommend not viewing if you get offended easily, but if you do, and you are, then just remember that it was meant as a joke. A really, really unfunny joke that someone should have to her not to release, but a joke nonetheless.