It's hard to rank the best cats on the internet (it's like picking your favourite family member or deciding which fruit pastille to keep until last), so this top ten is more of a 'best of' than a chart ranking their positions. And it killed us just to keep it to ten.
Ninja Cat
Ninja Cat
One of the original and best.
Surprised Kitten
The one kitten that reduced the internet to a gushy mess.
DJ Cat
The cat that manages to be better than Gueta.
Cat vs. Printer
Their hatred for the machines is unfathomable, but ridiculously entertaining.
Grumpy Cat
The cat who meme'd around the world and became a champion to grumps everywhere.
Cat on a treadmill
The French cat companion who cares about working on its fitness.
Keyboard Cat
The ginger moggy who redefined an era of fail videos the world over.
The OMG Cat
The world's most surprised cat showed more emotion in 19 seconds than most Hollywood actors do in an entire movie.
Jump Fail Cat(s)
Cats will jump and climb off everything, no matter how dangerous, but unfortunately they don't always land perfectly. (Don't worry though, these cats were fine after.)
Mother cat hugs kitten
The cutest video in existence on the internet, a mother doing what every mother does.
For tips on keeping your cat in top form, check out