When you achieve huge success in life, it's important to remember the people who made the sacrifices to get you there.
And if you have the means to reward them with a whopper present at Christmas then why not go all out?
Steve Garrigan, lead singer of Irish rock band, Kodaline, posted a video on Twitter of his Dad unwrapping his Christmas present and needless to say, it was pretty special.
Easily the best thing I've ever done being able to do this for my Dad is the greatest feeling ever, he's done so much for me @GarriganDes pic.twitter.com/3pxHa4YEuL
— Steve Garrigan (@SteveKodaline) December 26, 2016
We think it's fair to say Des was pretty chuffed with his gift. Though we can't help but feel Steve has snookered himself now.
How the hell is he supposed to top that next year?