Bringing up Justin Bieber in your interview? Selena Gomez ain't got time for that.

Gomez has been on the media trail selling her new album over the last week, appearing on anything and everything that will have her, but unfortunately her relationship with Justin Bieber is following close behind everywhere she goes. Now obviously people are going to bring it up because it's part of the reason she's even known in the first place, but there's a way to ask about it and there's ways not to. Chicago's WGN Entertainment displayed the latter option.

Selena was asked by the interviewer if there was something about him that we, the public, don't get or understand (which is rude considering A. She's not him B. She's not there to talk about him and C. He intimates that Selena is stupid for going out with Bieber), and instead of answering or throwing a strop, she just gives her publicist and the tech people 'the look' and the screen cuts away.

Haters gonna hate.