SEVEN. That's just not on.

Katie Holmes and her daughter Suri were making their way from a building in New York to their waiting car, surrounded by the usual swarm of paps and opportunistic people off the street desperate for a shot of the pair, when the whole incident went down. Mini-Cruise and Holmes were doing there best to get to the car with as little interaction as possible, with autograph hunters expecting Katie to just stop on the street when she's minding two children and the paps telling her not to be mean to her fans, when Suri just had it with the overbearing photogs shouting 'We’re trying to get in the car… stop it!' and 'Get out of the way!'

One absolute disgusting excuse for a human pap then shouts at her when she's getting in the car, and Holmes and Suri are well in earshot, saying 'Bye, Suri, you little brat!'. Thankfully one of the paps on hand has some morals and calls the dickbag paparazzo out on shouting out at the child in public, saying that if he had a family he would know better. The troll pap then calls her a bitch.

That guy would want to watch his back. Tom Cruise is not going to be happy about this. And that man is connected, if you know what we mean.

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