Oh. God. This is EYEWATERING in the extreme - largely for hilarity, but mostly for the cringe inducting levels of pain involved. For anyone who's ever been caught watching porn, this is being caught watching porn and then some.

Bare in mind, this all happened at 1pm after a "very busy morning" for Matthew while he was playing Chanandeler Bong.

For those unable to view the video - in short, Matthew Perry partook in a photo shoot with ER and a load of supermodels while he was starring in Friends. This motivated him to treat himself to some porn after the photoshoot, when he got home around lunchtime. Then, to his horror, he realises that - for a good hour - he's been blasting the audio of his coveted specialised DVD to his entire neighbourhood through the speakers rigged up by his pool. 


He moved shortly afterwards. 

Anyway, it's mandatory that this article come with the obvious clip from Friends.