At last. Some CLARIFICATION from the horseses'ses' mouth, so to speak... For months, those with some spare time on their hands have been scratching their head/ponder points regarding IF Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus are in fact engaged again.

While both parties have remained tight lipped on the subject, Entertainment Tonight made a point of putting Hemsworth on the spot mid-interview. While they were meant to be discussing his upcoming film Independence Day: Resurgence, they asked "What is the status? Are you getting married?"

A reportedly uncomfortable Liam replied: "I just find it's easier to not talk about my personal life because usually I say the wrong thing, so it ends up just complicating things more. So, I feel like it's better not to talk about it."

Right so. But is he happy? "Everyone's happy. I'm happy, yeah."

That's good enough for us!