That rather cumbersome headline was an attempt to segue two bits of Kaley Cuoco news doing the rounds today. Seamless. 

First to the baby hating. Ah no, that's obviously harsh, she doesn't "hate" babies - in fact, she "likes" them - just don't ask her to work with them. The 30-year-old actress appeared on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert last night to celebrate The Big Bang Theory wrapping its 9th series (she even gave herself a round of applause for aging nine years in the process), and - when Colbert asked her if 'Penny' and 'Leonard' were going to have a baby written into the show, her response was something along the lines of HELL NO!

She said "Oh, I hope not, I don't like working with kids... I like kids, I just don't wanna work with them... They are the biggest divas you could possibly have around. They get carried in, then they work like six minutes. I think that's obnoxious. They make any sounds that they want." And the list goes on.

Her 21 month marriage to Ryan Sweeting officially ended over the weekend with the finalisation of their divorce. Thankfully Cuoco had the foresight to get a prenup, so her $72 million dollar fortune is safe (yes, you read that correctly). She does, however, have to give the tennis player something of a pay off. 

According to Us Weekly: "Sweeting is walking away with just $165,000, which the actress is to transfer in two payments. Plus, the 8 Simple Rules alum will pay the $195,000 bill for his two personal trainers and up to $55,000 in attorneys fees. The athlete gets to keep whatever cash and gift certificates he may have."

As for Kaley, "she gets their home in the Tarzana neighborhood of Los Angeles and their Santa Barbara–area beach home." Every cloud.  

Cuoco has reportedly moved on with another professional sports person - equestrian Karl Cook.

Here he is kissing a horse.