With the fact that Kim Kardashian has and does make her living by being in front of cameras, we're surprised it took this long for video of her engagement to Kanye West to come out, but thanks to some weaselly friend who sold the pair out we can now get our first glimpse of what went down in AT&T Park in San Francisco on Monday night.

TMZ got their grubby paws on video footage from the phone of a friend of Kim and Kanye's who was present for the proposal, and we can clearly see for the first time that Kanye did actually go down on one knee, and that despite the tackiness that revolved around the whole thing, it was quite a show.

And there are not even that many cameras around, which makes us think that maybe it wasn't all just for the show? Although Kris Jenner does stomp out onto the field ASAP as a photographer rushes after her, so once again the family bizniz is being kept in motion.

Update: E! News have the first proper and official footage of the proposal, this time with all the Kardashian reactions and their sprint out of hiding to congratulate the newly affianced pair.

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