As we've reported previously, Donald and Melania Trump have a completely normal, healthy relationship that involves them shaking hands when they introduce one another, slapping away physical contact and, now, talking about them like they're not physically standing beside them.

Trump was in Florida earlier in the week to survey damage caused by Hurricane Irma, giving one of his customary, off-the-cuff, rambling speeches and talked about how his wife "wanted to be with us," despite the fact she's standing right beside him.

In fact, when you watch the video, you can actually see her look slightly perplexed at the statement. Take a look and see for yourself.

Now, it could very well be that he meant it in the sense of why Melania was with him and stuff, but come on - the guy's job is to stand in front of cameras and speak as clearly and unambiguously as he can, and he can't even do that right.

Via Twitter