Even Hillary Clinton's getting involved.

If you're an actor who's ever had to play dead or freeze during a scene, you're probably rolling your eyes pretty hard at the latest online craze that's taking the celebrity world by storm.

Started by teens and made greater by athletes, the #MannequinChallenge really took off over the weekend as celebs got involved and it went properly viral. And you know something is a big deal when Beyoncé gets involved. 

Yes, Beyoncé, Kelly and Michelle all reunited to have a go at it, and they weren't the only ones as Adele and Ellen and many others got in on it too.

It's basically the 2016 version of the 'Harlem Shake', but thankfully less raucous and irritating.

And not one to miss a chance to appeal to those 'millenials', Hillary Clinton also launched herself at the challenge today. On the most important day of her career/life.

Which also means the challenge is officially dead. So don't bother doing your own version, it's already over.