In case you are one of the few people that never saw the original Denver The Guilty Dog video (you'd be in the minority) then you're in for a treat...a cat treat.
The original video was a huge viral success, garnering 39 million views since it went up three years ago, and features Denver cracking under the pressure of an interrogation as to who ate the cat treats out of the bag. As the folks at BroBible rightly point out, there are plenty of people who ripped the video in an effort to make some YouTube cash out of it themselves, and that means the real figure of views is probably closer to the 100 million mark or above, so you really need to catch up with the times if you originally missed this.
In this festive special edition, Denver has eaten some of the foam balls off the Christmas tree and once again does not do well under the least intense scrutiny that we've ever seen.