In fairness, they might be keeping the country afloat with that sweet, sweet tourist money - but American tourists, if this video is anything to go by, are horribly uneducated.

Sure, they probably view St. Patrick's Day as an excuse to get drunk and destroy inner-city Dublin the same way we view Good Friday as an excuse to have a house party and buy enough to drink to get Richard Harris slightly merry. Nevertheless, you'd expect them to have some kind of understanding of what St. Patrick's Day is about.

Right? Wrong. Take a look at this video captured in Temple Bar by Derek Dillon.



Hey, at least they're honest about the fact that most of them are utterly, utterly twisted. Shout-out to the LadsLadsLadsLads who broke in during the filming of that one segment talking about hash.

You're all gas banter merchants at the end of the day. Also, further shout-out to the guy who, with a completely straight face, described 'Craic' as being made by the CIA in the '70s and went full conspiracy on it for about three minutes solid.


Via Facebook