Young Indie-Rose has become an viral sensation after a video of her explaining that she doesn't want to eat animals anymore has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times. 

In the short video, Indie explains through tearful eyes that she doesn't want to see animals chopped up and that she wants to be vegetarian, as that way she won't have to eat any more animals.  

Posting on the video, her mother Nicola said that she hasn't eaten any meat since this video was recorded three months ago, and that "she wasn't pushed into anything no one in my family is a vegitaran [sic]". 

Speaking to, she added "there’s been very little difference not having meat on her plate. Sure, we don’t eat it as much anymore either because it’s just easy to do one big meal for the family, but that’s ok because we want to respect her choices", but that they have also tried to teach her to respect other people's choices too and not to "be one of those people who tell others they can’t eat meat". 
