Been to Australia? Ever sat on a beach there? Well, then Vogue Williams thinks you're "smelly," like some kind've rat infestation or something. OK, she didn't use that exact term, but it was inferred. Kind of. You'll see what I mean.
Her "smelly Irish" comment wasn't an mumbling overheard by chance, rather a statement she made to camera for a "documentary" which aired on RTE. It was called Vogue Does Home and Away, which does indeed sound like Debbie Does Dallas type production, but a lot less fun to watch.
Speaking on the show, she said: "It’s pretty mental being on this beach finally after watching it for almost 20 years. It’s just a pity about all the smelly Irish who are here... The most shocking fact about Summer Bay is not that it looks so much like Brittas Bay. It is that it seems to be almost exclusively populated with Irish people."
Now she's taken to Twitter to post the following essay by way of an apology:
"I wasn't going to comment so as not to fuel further, however it appears a light-hearted comment, I made in Vogue Does Home & Away on RTE has offended a few ex-pat Irish in Oz. I can guarantee you that if you watch the show you will see it was meant solely as a joke, certainly not an insult." Because why would the words "smelly" and "Irish" being teamed together come across as anything other than a joke?
She continued: "I'm a very proud Irish person, and also used to be an expat. We are a great nation, sound in fact! I'm trying to get the show on You Tube so everyone can see for themselves that it was simply a joke and also see my fondness for everything and everyone Irish. Apologies 4 those offended but that is not the way it was intended..g'wan the Irish!"
YeeeeEEEOOOW! All's forgiven, Vogue, c'mere and give us a jig, hah! We'll work up a right sweat and let the collective stench of us permeate the land diddlediddlediddledoooo!