Say hello to the worst idea ever, as Charlie Sheen wants to 'mentor' Lindsay Lohan, whatever that means to his disturbing mind.

Sheen became close to Lohan on the set of the abysmal looking 'Scary Movie 5' last year, and believes he can save the actress from self-destructing because he has battled similar problems with addiction and legal issues in the past. He's so clean and better off now you see. Telling TMZ directly (which is a whole new special kind of desperate and crazy, he said 'I have a kinship with somebody who clearly needs a mentor, whether she wants one or not. She can continue to hang out with her dress shredding club buddies, or turn to me for some advice from a guy who's been down the road as well as every other side trail on the journey. If she listens, she'll win. If she doesn't, that's on her.' So it's still all about winning. Of course.

Despite his keen interest in the 26-year-old actress's welfare, Charlie insists he only wants to be her friend and claims they have never hooked up.'I love her, I respect her, and I've never laid a finger on her that wasn't on film. How ya like me now, America?' Somehow, that sounds even worse.

And their paths are continuing to cross, with Lindsay set to star in an upcoming episode of 'Anger Management' and will play herself in the FX comedy, where she becomes a patient of Charlie's therapist character and begins a romantic relationship with him. Not creepy at all Charlie. It's not the first time he's tried helping her out, so we have a feeling Lindsay may just be milking him for all she can get. Which makes us feel all sorts of unclean.