Poor Lindsay Lohan. That girl just can't get a break. Or else she's just not doing herself any favours. I'm not sure; I tend to avoid any LiLo related news as it feels rather Groundhog Day-esque. Rather, I'd like to remember her as that cute little smart-ass from The Parent Trap and not the washed up actress who's in and out of trouble with the po po on a perennial basis. If it's not a DUI, or cocaine possession, she's either trying to land somebody ELSE in the sh*tter or she's destroying $1750 designer dresses that she doesn't own.

Anyhoo, today I've no choice. I must spread the word that the once praised Mean Girls star has lost her legal battle against Cuban/American hitmaker Pitbull.

For those of you who are unaware, the actress sued the Cuban/American hitmaker back in 2011 for a line in his song 'Give Me Everything' - in which he joked he was 'locked up like Lindsay Lohan' - claiming he had no right to use her name and seeking financial compensation, but, sadly for Lindsay, he's won the case.

Yesterday, a New York federal judge ruled that Pitbull's song (you know it; it's irritatingly catchy), also featuring Ne-Yo and Afrojack, was protected by the US First Amendment, which covers freedom of speech and creative expression. Hence why Eminem got away with ripping the piss out of Mariah Carey on all those occasions.

Speaking to E! News, Pitbull's lawyer said: 'This will further solidify the rights of artists to express themselves in song. He felt it was very important to address this head on to protect his right and the rights of other artist. He decided to fight this.'