The video, filmed in 2016, has gone viral since being shared on Twitter yesterday

If this video isn't the best way to start your week, we don't know what is.

If you saw 'Dick Van Dyke' trending on Twitter and had a sinking feeling, don't worry - he's still alive.

'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' is one of the most iconic children's films of all time - and its star is a legend in his own right.

Over the years, the 93-year-old has also proven himself to be a stand-up guy, as apparently humble and endearing as many of the characters he's played over the years.

He's also really gracious with fans, as the video below of him singing 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' in a restaurant demonstrates. It was actually filmed back in 2016 but has gone viral since it was shared on Twitter yesterday.

It shows Van Dyke and his barbershop quartet The Vantastix breaking into song in a Denny's restaurant in Santa Monica, having just filmed a TV appearance to promote his book.

It may be an oldie, but it's still a goodie:

Here's a clearer version:

While many enjoyed the video for what it was, others were just glad that it wasn't bad news...