The times they are a-changin' and nowhere is that change more evident than perhaps on the internet, where redesigns and revamps are the norm every few months. 

That means that the internet that we remember from our earlier days of hotmail and Myspace has well and truly changed, but so has every other big name website.

From the first day that we opened Netscape to log on to these nine incredibly popular websites, from Facebook to Flickr, there have been a whole load of changes, and looking at the old versions compared to the new ones both brings back some good memories and makes us feel incredibly old. We used to use a 26k modem. Anyway, put together this infographic that shows what the pages looked like way back when they started, and how much they've changed up to today. 

Pic via Mashable/

We feel bad that this list didn't include Lycos and the Lycos dog, which has surely become the hipster's search engine of choice. Y'know, ironically though.

Via Mashable