Get ready for a cuteness overload

Halloween is upon us this week, and dog owners on social media have thankfully been sharing their best doggy costumes for the world to see.

Earlier today, we showed you what some A-list celebrities had on offer, but now it's time for our canine friends to show us the real good stuff.

Please enjoy all of the various dogs we've seen online - from a piano-playing Elton John, to a character from a movie everyone has been talking about, Joker.

A puppy dressed up as Elton John? And playing the piano? Yes, please.


Really hope these guys aren't on their way to Sweden for Midsommar.


This Splinter costume is brilliant.


After constantly feeding your doggy, it's only fair if they can carry a beer or two to you every now and then.


Put on a happy doggy face.


And now, the caped duo - Batdog and Robin.




Well, they've certainly mopped up the competition.


Every dog deserves to embrace their inner unicorn.


That's one tough-looking doggy.


Here's Chewbacca with his new friend, Porg.


Always good to give your doggy options.


And finally, this is the cutest thing we've ever seen.