Friday is here, and with the weekend approaching, a few of you might have decided to call in sick today. For your sake, we hope you didn't use any of these excuses, because they truly are rubbish. 

Employment consultant asked a number of managers, bosses and people that you generally have to call when you're trying to skive off work to hear what the most ridiculous excuses they've ever been given are, and the top five list makes for some truly sorry reading. 

In defence of number 5, we have burned our feet before on holiday and it absolutely wrecks, you can't even wear shoes. 

1) Oh, I thought it was Sunday…is it Monday today?
2) My dog ate my iPhone so I couldn’t find the place
3) We have had a bereavement in the family… budgie died
4) I’ve been waiting for a bus for 3 hours
5) I’m really sorry, I cannot make it into work this morning as I have sunburned feet

They also asked them for the most common excuses that they've gotten over the years, and these are, as you might expect, altogether more reasonable. 

1) I’m sick
2) A member of my family is sick
3) I’m in A&E
4) My phone battery died
5) My dog is sick
6) I was robbed last night
7) I fainted on the way to work
8) I don’t feel like going in
9) I’ve broken my leg
10) I’m locked out of my house

We know you might have stayed home today to watch the new series of Orange is the New Black on Netflix (no judgement here, we'll be pulling a sickie the day the new Batman: Arkham game is released later this month), we just hope you had a good excuse lined up. We're going to say that our budgie made our dog sick, and we tripped in the sick and broke our leg. Foolproof, eh?

Via i100. Main pic via Republic of Korea/Flickr